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Our ministry at Peace and Hope cannot be done without financial support.

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Give Now

Our ministry at Peace and Hope cannot be done without financial support.

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Give Now

Our ministry at Peace and Hope cannot be done without financial support.

The generous support of our community provides opportunities for our shared ministry at Peace and Hope so that we can connect, love, and serve.  

From your financial support, we are able to pay our staff, provide resources for digital ministry opportunities, and provide mission support to our mission partners across the country and world.

If you discovered Peace and Hope through a partner congregation, please continue to support your home church with your financial gifts.

Give Now

To provide financial support through Peace and Hope, you may mail a make a payment through the button above or by mailing a check.


The generous support of our community provides opportunities for our shared ministry at Peace and Hope so that we can connect, love, and serve.  

From your financial support, we are able to pay our staff, provide resources for digital ministry opportunities, and provide mission support to our mission partners across the country and world.

If you discovered Peace and Hope through a partner congregation, please continue to support your home church with your financial gifts.

Give Now

Our ministry at Peace and Hope cannot be done without financial support.

The generous support of our community provides opportunities for our shared ministry at Peace and Hope so that we can connect, love, and serve.  

From your financial support, we are able to pay our staff, provide resources for digital ministry opportunities, and provide mission support to our mission partners across the country and world.

If you discovered Peace and Hope through a partner congregation, please continue to support your home church with your financial gifts.

Give Now
Donation box on wall

Contact us

We would love to hear from you! Contact us with any questions you have and a member of our staff will reach out to you!

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2350 Poverty Creek Rd. Blacksburg, VA 24060

Computer with an open notebook and pen in front of it

Contact us

To learn more about how you or your ministry can partner with Peace and Hope, contact Pastor Bryan through the contact form below.

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2350 Poverty Creek Rd. Blacksburg, VA 24060

Computer with an open notebook and pen in front of it